====== SQL Buddy ====== * Web based MySQL administration * No setup * Just unzip the files to your server and it's ready to use. Seriously, the next step is logging in * Complete control of users * Logins are handled directly by MySQL. Create as many or as few users as you want. * Speaks your language * The current release is bundled with 47 translations! http://sqlbuddy.com/ ====== Установка ====== mkdir /usr/local/etc/sqlbuddy ====== Настройка ====== Файл: ''functions.php'' Список языков: $langList['ru_RU'] = "Русский"; $langList['en_US'] = "English"; Язык по умолчанию: $lang = "ru_RU"; Темы: $themeList["classic"] = "Classic"; //$themeList["bittersweet"] = "Bittersweet"; //После всех условий по выбору схемы нужно поставить: $theme = "classic"; Файл для [[apache:apache|Apache]]: Alias /sqlbuddy/ "/usr/local/etc/sqlbuddy/" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order allow,deny Allow from all {{tag>DB Admin SQL}}