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The built-in Nextor partitioning tool — FDISK


The Nextor kernel has an embedded utility for partitioning storage devices attached to Nextor device-based drivers.

The tool has a user interface based on menus, so anyone should be able to use it by just following the indications provided in the screen (when in doubt, look for an indication on what to do next in the lower line of the screen). There are however some points of interest to consider that are not mentioned in the tool itself:

  • The tool allows creating up to 256 FAT12 and FAT16 partitions on any block device attached to a Nextor device-based driver. MSX-DOS drivers and Nextor drive-based drivers are not supported.
  • Partitions from 100KB (the minimum supported partition size) up to 32MB will be FAT12, partitions from 33MB to 4GB (the maximum supported partition size) will be FAT16.
  • Partitions of 16MB or less will have three sectors per FAT or less, therefore they can be used in MSX-DOS 1 mode.
  • Partitions up to 32MB will have a MSX-DOS 2 boot sector, partitions of 33MB and more will have a standard boot sector.
  • To get an optimum cluster size, it is recommended to define the partition sizes as powers of two (that is: 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M or 32M for FAT12 partitions; 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G or 4G for FAT16 partitions). If this is not possible, it is better to select the partition size as slightly smaller than the closest power of two than slightly higher (that is, for example 31M is better than 33M).
  • Remember that Nextor can handle devices with FAT16 partitions and standard boot sectors; if you use a factory-partitioned device of 2GB or less you probably don't need to partition it, unless you want to create MSX-DOS 1 compatible partitions (4GB devices are usually shipped with a FAT32 partition, so you will need to partition it with FDISK anyway).
  • When creating new partitions you can choose which one(s) will have the «active» flag set, thus being eligible for automatic mapping at boot time; it is also possible change the flag on already existing partitions.
  • The partitioning tool works in MSX-DOS 1 mode too. Note however that the tool will always allow you to create partitions larger than 16M, which are not compatible with MSX-DOS 1.

With this tool it is not possible to add new partitions to an already partitioned device. All existing partitions must be removed before defining new partitions.

The Nextor kernel has an embedded utility for partitioning storage devices attached to Nextor device-based drivers. To start it, just invoke




from the BASIC prompt. It works properly on both 40 columns and 80 columns mode.

Please note that starting the FDISK tool will delete the current BASIC program from memory.

Выбор драйвера

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

1. Sunrise IDE
   v.0.1.7 on slot 1-1

ESC. Exit

Select the device driver

Выбираем драйвер: 1

Выбор устройства

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1


ESC. Go back to driver selection screen

Select the device

Выбираем устройство: 1

Выбор логического блока

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1

1. Size: 100M

ESC. Go back to device selection screen

Select the logical unit

Выбираем логический блок: 1

Создание раздела

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M
Unpartitioned space available: 100M

Changes are not committed
until W is pressed.

(No partitions found or defined)
A. Add one 100M partition
P. Add partition...

T, Test device access

Select an option or press ESC to return

Добавить раздел фиксированного размера

По умолчанию размер раздела равен максимально доступному месту на устройстве (но меньше 4 Гб).

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M
Unpartitioned space available: 0K

Changes are not committed
until W is pressed.

S. Show partitions (1 defined)
D. Delete all partitions
U. Undo add 100M partition

W. Write partitions to disk

T. Test device access

Select an option or press ESC to return

Добавление раздела с выбором его размера

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M

Add new partition

Enter partition size in MB (1-100)
or partition size in KB followed by
"K" (100-32767): 20 

Enter size or press ENTER to cancel

Вводим 20

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M
Unpartitioned space available: 80M

Changes are not committed
until W is pressed.

S. Show partitions (1 defined)
D. Delete all partitions
A. Add one 20M partition
P. Add partition...
U. Undo add 20M partition

W. Write partitions to disk

T. Test device access

Select an option or press ESC to return

Удалить все разделы

Если нажать клавишу D программа предложит подтвердить выбор:

Discard all defined partitions? (y/n) █

Если подтвердить выбор и нажать Y, то все разделы будут удалены и программа перейдёт к экрану Создание раздела

Добавить один раздел

Добавляется ещё один раздел, того же размера что был указан для последнего созданного раздела.

Просмотр разделов

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

       One new partitions defined

* 1: FAT12, 20M
  2: FAT12, 20M

 ESC = return, 1-2 = toggle active (*)
  • Esc Возврат на предыдущий экран
  • Цифровыми клавишами выбирается номер активного раздела

Тестировать доступ к устройству

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M

Now reading device sector 123

Press any key to stop...

Записать разделы на диск

Перед сохранением таблицы разделов на диск программы выдаст предупреждение от том, что все данные на нём будт уничтожены и их восстановление будет невозможно:

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M

Create 1 partitions on device

This action can't be canceled
and can't be undone

Are you sure? (y/n) █


Если подтвердить выбор и нажать Y, настройки разделов будут сохранены на диск:

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M

     Creating partition 1 of 4 ...


   If this device had drivers mapped to,
        please reset the computer.

Press any key to return...

По нажатию любой клавиши программа покажет следующий экран:

     Nextor disk partitioning tool

Sunrise IDE on slot 1-1
Logical unit 1, size: 100M

Changes are not committed
until W is pressed.

S. Show partitions (1 defined)
D. Delete all partitions

T. Test device access

Select an option or press ESC to return

Если Вы закончили разметку диска, то выйдите из программы и перезагрузите компьютер.

Отмена настроек

Отменить все настройки и вернуться

Discard changes and return? (y/n) █

Если подтвердить выбор и нажать Y, все настройки будут потеряны и программа перейдёт к экрану Выбор логического блока.

Отменить добавление раздела

Если нажать U произойдёт отмена создания последнего раздела.


msx/nextor/fdisk-en.1584521281.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2020-03-18 11:48 — GreyWolf