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Сервер групповой работы, аналогичный Microsoft Exchange, с веб-интерфейсом и доступом по MAPI для Microsoft Outlook.

SOGo (formerly named Scalable OpenGroupware.org) is an open source collaborative software (groupware) server with a focus on simplicity and scalability. It is developed in Objective-C using PostgreSQL, Apache, and IMAP.

SOGo provides collaboration for Mozilla Thunderbird/Lightning, Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal/iPhone and BlackBerry client users. Its features include the ability to share calendars, address books and e-mail using an open source, cross-platform environment. The Funambol middleware and the Funambol SOGo Connector allow SyncML clients to synchronize contacts, events and tasks.

SOGo supports standard groupware capabilities including CalDAV, CalDAV auto-scheduling, CardDAV, WebDAV Sync, WebDAV ACLs, and iCalendar.



sogo/sogo.txt · Последние изменения: 2019-01-27 10:52 — GreyWolf